Welcome To Year 5
Welcome to our Year 5 page! We are a terrific team of hard-working children who are always trying to be the best we can be. Alongside us, we have an amazing group of dedicated teachers who make our learning experiences interesting, memorable and thought-provoking. They are: Mrs Munster, Mrs McGee/ Mrs Vega and Miss Flavin. We are also very fortunate to be joined by our fantastic teaching assistants; Mrs Price, Mrs Jeyes, Miss Harbison and Mrs Case who support us with our learning.
This year, as well as working hard on our core learning, we are looking forward to starting our new topics which are:
Ground-Breaking Greeks
Dynamic Dynasties
Sow, Grow and Farm
While learning about these wonderful topics, we will aim to be creative with our thinking and our ideas; show confidence when completing challenging tasks and be curious about how far we can take our own learning.
After our summer break, we cannot wait to settle back into our school routine and continue our learning journey together.